Sunday, June 24, 2007

Film summarise: In My Father's Den

In My Father's Den

A kind of mystery story, was made into a feature film of the same name novel which written by Maurice Gee, a famous novelist in New Zealand. It was released in New Zealand in 2004.

This story happened in a small town of South Island. Paul, a battle weary war photographer, returned to his home town when his father dies. Paul read numerous different kinds of novel in his father’s den in which was a place like a small room, where Paul could share thoughts and secret with his father, Paul and his father had erotic relationship with Jeff.

To his surprise, he met a sixteen year old girl, Celia, she is a daughter of his first girlfriend, Jeff. Then Celia missed, who seems like his girl friend, or seems like his daughter. So Paul though that Jeff’s partner is suspected person. But the police suspected Paul to murder Celia and investigated him.

Finally, Paul found that Celia actually was murdered by his younger brother. Because he hated Celia and her mother, Jeff. They caused his mother died and spoiled his life. He loved his mother so much. He also thought Celia maybe is his father’s daughter.

Actually at end of the film, we do not know their relations very clearly

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

summary of '' The bridges of Madison county''

The Bridges of Madison Country

The Bridges of Madison country, which is written by Robert James Waller, is a bestselling novel of the century. It tells us a romantic love story between a photographer, Robert Kincaid, and a farm wife, Francesca Johnson.
The novel begins with an interview between a writer and Francesca’ children (Michael and Carolyn), the latter reveal their mother’s unusual story with photos, magazine clippings and a set of journals written by their mother.
The story happened in August of 1965, Robert, the photographer, was on his way to find the bridges of Madison country in order to take photos for the journal, National Geographic, and he met Francesca in the front porch of her house when he wanted to ask the way to a covered bridge. They fell in love at the first glance. At that time, Francesca’s husband, Richard, and their children were at the Illinois State Fair. Francesca went with Robert to find the Roseman Bridge and took photos; she also invited him to have dinner at her home. They loved each other deeply and spent the happiest time of their lives. Although Francesca found her true love with Robert, she still chose the responsibility and stayed with her husband as well as her children; therefore, she refused to go with Robert when he left Lowa farm before Friday when her husband came back. After that, they all missed each other. Robert sent a letter with some photos, which he took for her, to Francesca. Francesca did not contact with him until 1979, when her husband died; however, she could not find Robert. She received a package after Robert passed away. In it, there were a letter from Robert and some items which Robert wanted to left to her. Robert also asked to scatter his ashes at the Roseman Bridge.
Finally, Francesca died in 1989 when she was sixty-nine years old and her ashes were also scatter at the same place as her requested in her letter to her attorney. She left a letter to her children in order to tell them her love story. In this reason, there is an interview between a writer and Francesca’ children as described in the beginning.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Week Ten - Oral Blog Portfolio Post Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2

Lecture topic FIRST AID
Lecturer Mr. Dave Griffiths Draft 2

In the daily life, we sometimes come cross accidents. What should we do? We should give others helps. That is very important to save lifes.

In the accident site, first step is to stop and think --- Am I safe. And then give others helps.
In order to protect yourself, you need to use gloves and plastic bags.
To the accident person, the first step is to see if the person feels good or not. And then give them a breath and CPR. C.P.R. means the kiss of life. Before doing C.P.R. you need to notice the patient is different in the age, gender, adult or children.
For the infant, you should press lightly using two fingers to give them a pump and the pressing rates are between 20 to 30 times.

Dial 111 to call the ambulance and police if necessary. That call is free. Usually need 35minutes to come.

If the children cut themselves. the best way is to use red bandages to cover the wound because they usual scared to die when they see they are blooding.

If you want to get more First Aid knowledge, you can take part in the course in St.Johns or Red Cross. Usually it cost 70 dollars for two days.

Notice:Different countries have different principles in First Aid. But you do not worry about it in New Zealand; you would not be held responsible if the patient died.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Week Nine Oral Blog entry six - picture Draft 2

These two pictures show two different classes.

A picture shows that pupils are studying by using computer. Nowadays children can find everything they are interested in. if they are looking for animals that that would be very vivid shown on the screen and if they want to know some one there are also lots of information not limited by what the teacher says. Children can be trained to work with others.

B picture shows that children are studying with books. I think that books also have their advantage in learning about words or math. Every one thinks by themselves. I thinks that different tools according to different lessons can be chosen by teachers.

Comparing these two pictures, we can find out that it shows two different educations. One is modern by using technical equipments, another one is traditional ways. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. We can not say which one is batter. The best way is to join the two ways together in practising.

WEEK TEN TEXT BLOG ENTRY EIGHT summarise article: fast trains DRAFT 2

Summarise aritcle : Fast trains enter service in China as demand soars

Recently China's railways have been upgraded for the 6th time in the history of china's railways. Facing quickly increasing demand for transport and hard competition from the rising highway network and low-price air travel, the sixth time of speed upgrade of China’s railways were started, and it will supply an important and cheap network between the separated regions of China.

As part of the speed increase, a group of 125mph trains were begun to be used on 18 April, 2007. The use of them will cut the trip time significantly. For example, the journey time between Shanghai and Beijing will be shorten to nine hours compared with the original time of eleven hours. One passenger on the train from Shanghai to Suzhou said that the shorter time used in the trip made him felt he was traveling by plane.

At the same time, tracks are being upgraded and rail network is being expanded in China in order to cope with the faster speeds.

A line of 710-mile to capital of Tibet was opened last year. According to Hu Yadong, the deputy railways minister, the capacity of passenger and freight would be increased by more than 18 percent and 12 percent respectively by the speed upgrade.

the story from:

Text Blog Entry Seven Diploma Trip

When I heard that we would have a trip to Cornwallis Beach, I was so excited because it is one of my favourite sites. I have been there so many times. It is the first place I went fishing and I remember it as if it happened yesterday.

On Friday, the sun was shining, this put us in a good mood in trip. Cornwallis Beach is located at the entrance of the Manukau Harbour. Passing Titirangi Village, if you go though along the narrow mountain road, and drive 20 minutes, you will reach it. There is beautiful sand beach and a long wharf which extended to the deep sea. Standing at wharf, you can see all the views of the Manukau Harbour. One side is board blue sea; other three sides are green mountains. You cann't imagine what a fantastic views it is if you haven’t go there. Meanwhile fisherman also like here so much, you can fish a lot of kind of fish, if you are lucky, you can catch kingfish which raw fillet is very delicious.

I hope we have another trip at here in next semester.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Narratives in Magnetic pulses promise cure for insomniacs

TEXR BLOG Narratives in newspaper texts

Magnetic pulses promise cure for insomniacs draft 2

Recently the researchers stated that using electronic device to induce slow waves in the patients can help them to gain the full restorative powers of an eight-hour period of sleep.

Chronic insomnia may be caused by a failure to produce slow-wave activity in the brains of patients. This disease might be cured by magnetic pulses. Sleep is formed by two types. One is slow-wave activity which happened in deep sleeping, the other is fast eye movements which happened in dreaming while sleep.

The former type composes 80% of sleeping hours is very important for sleeping of good quality. Scientists of psychiatry department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison have invented an electronic device which can produce harmless magnetic pulses. By testing this device on sleeping volunteers, magnetic pulses produced by it can stimulate the brain to generate slow waves that just like what happened in deep sleeps.

This would be a good news for people suffered from insomiacs if that device can be used in clinic in the future.

There are three past form sentences in use
There are three simple present form sentences in use
There is one perfect present simple form sentences in use
There are no future form sentences in use
There are three module verbs in use

The story from naherald:

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oral Blog Entry 5 Domeastic News Headlines

Oral Blog Entry 5 Domeastic News Headlines DRAFT TWO

The main story in the Press is that the goverment is looking at ways to tackle truancy numbers.
The story says last year an average of 30 thousand children a day skipped classes.

Pronunciation figures
1: the pronunciation of the first "and" is very slight, almost can not be heared it is too weak forms

2: "for a way" the pronunciation connected and slight
3: "the story says" the pronunciation is so small and non-accent.

web site:
The refference text
The Press reports that the Government is looking at ways to tackle rampant truancy numbers. It says truancy rates in New Zealand have grown 41% since 2002 and last year an average of 30,000 children per day skipped classes.

Monday, April 23, 2007

My break

Two weeks break for others is so leisure time. But for me it is so busy and hard. On the Ester Day, we went to Westfield to buy the baby's cob and mattress, some nappes, Formula milk, bottles and etc. For the new baby's coming, I repainted a room and decorated it with some carton pictures as baby's room and then installed the cob, putting all the furniture in perfect position. I thought I have done it all in first week so I could go fishing with my friend in next week. But in the weekend, my baby was born suddenly prior a week. You can not image how busy I was. I need to take care of three people, my first son, a near four years old, a cessors operation’s wife and a new baby. From morning to evening I had a lots things to do, cooking the soup for my wife, hashing to hospital, looking after my old son, going back home for dinner and returning to hospital…. Oh. It is terrible break.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

About Me

text blog entry 1 .....draft 2

I am Zhen Yu. In china they call me Yu Zhen. In mandarin the pronunciation of Yu Zhen is same as earthquake. Some one maybe wonder why you were give so special name. There are two reasons. One is that the day when I was born, an earthquake happened near Beijing. Another reason is that the culture revolution started, my family suffered the many unfair treatments. We had miserable life in that time. Fortunately now everything has been changed in recent 30 years.

Last holiday I went to Beijing to celebrate my grandmother 90 years birthday. We had a great dinner in Summer Palace. Here is royal place for queen having a birthday party. Although it is old style and looks like strange to us. The meaning is different. Eating the delicious food that the royal chief cooked, every one felt every happy.

I also have good news that I would have a baby in April. At that time my family’s member would be 43. Well, so big family. I love it so much.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

oral bolg entry 6 About Unions

Oral blog entry

Week 6 Lecture about Unions in New Zealand
Speaker : Sarah Hardman

Two question : 1, Have you belonged to a union overseas?
2, Have you belonged to a union New Zealand ?

Our life is hard
8 hours work, 8 hours rest, 8 hours entertainment.

Worker organized into a voluntary association, a union , to further their mutual interests with respect to wages, hours, working conditions and other matters of interest to workers

330.000 union workers, 51.5% are women.
Self-employee can’t join .

You can go on strike if collective agreement has expired.
When negotiationg a New CA,
Must give a reasonable notice

Why would I need a union
Fair pay
A voice for working
Fair working conditions
Equality of opportunity
Safe and healthy workplace