Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Week Ten - Oral Blog Portfolio Post Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2

Lecture topic FIRST AID
Lecturer Mr. Dave Griffiths Draft 2

In the daily life, we sometimes come cross accidents. What should we do? We should give others helps. That is very important to save lifes.

In the accident site, first step is to stop and think --- Am I safe. And then give others helps.
In order to protect yourself, you need to use gloves and plastic bags.
To the accident person, the first step is to see if the person feels good or not. And then give them a breath and CPR. C.P.R. means the kiss of life. Before doing C.P.R. you need to notice the patient is different in the age, gender, adult or children.
For the infant, you should press lightly using two fingers to give them a pump and the pressing rates are between 20 to 30 times.

Dial 111 to call the ambulance and police if necessary. That call is free. Usually need 35minutes to come.

If the children cut themselves. the best way is to use red bandages to cover the wound because they usual scared to die when they see they are blooding.

If you want to get more First Aid knowledge, you can take part in the course in St.Johns or Red Cross. Usually it cost 70 dollars for two days.

Notice:Different countries have different principles in First Aid. But you do not worry about it in New Zealand; you would not be held responsible if the patient died.

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