Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oral Blog Entry 5 Domeastic News Headlines

Oral Blog Entry 5 Domeastic News Headlines DRAFT TWO

The main story in the Press is that the goverment is looking at ways to tackle truancy numbers.
The story says last year an average of 30 thousand children a day skipped classes.

Pronunciation figures
1: the pronunciation of the first "and" is very slight, almost can not be heared it is too weak forms

2: "for a way" the pronunciation connected and slight
3: "the story says" the pronunciation is so small and non-accent.

web site: http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/latest/200704300755/morning_report_local_papers
The refference text
The Press reports that the Government is looking at ways to tackle rampant truancy numbers. It says truancy rates in New Zealand have grown 41% since 2002 and last year an average of 30,000 children per day skipped classes.

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