Monday, April 23, 2007

My break

Two weeks break for others is so leisure time. But for me it is so busy and hard. On the Ester Day, we went to Westfield to buy the baby's cob and mattress, some nappes, Formula milk, bottles and etc. For the new baby's coming, I repainted a room and decorated it with some carton pictures as baby's room and then installed the cob, putting all the furniture in perfect position. I thought I have done it all in first week so I could go fishing with my friend in next week. But in the weekend, my baby was born suddenly prior a week. You can not image how busy I was. I need to take care of three people, my first son, a near four years old, a cessors operation’s wife and a new baby. From morning to evening I had a lots things to do, cooking the soup for my wife, hashing to hospital, looking after my old son, going back home for dinner and returning to hospital…. Oh. It is terrible break.

1 comment:

Amaniel said...

yea! its really hard to look after three people + you. It is excellent! I would give you A+.