Monday, May 14, 2007

WEEK TEN TEXT BLOG ENTRY EIGHT summarise article: fast trains DRAFT 2

Summarise aritcle : Fast trains enter service in China as demand soars

Recently China's railways have been upgraded for the 6th time in the history of china's railways. Facing quickly increasing demand for transport and hard competition from the rising highway network and low-price air travel, the sixth time of speed upgrade of China’s railways were started, and it will supply an important and cheap network between the separated regions of China.

As part of the speed increase, a group of 125mph trains were begun to be used on 18 April, 2007. The use of them will cut the trip time significantly. For example, the journey time between Shanghai and Beijing will be shorten to nine hours compared with the original time of eleven hours. One passenger on the train from Shanghai to Suzhou said that the shorter time used in the trip made him felt he was traveling by plane.

At the same time, tracks are being upgraded and rail network is being expanded in China in order to cope with the faster speeds.

A line of 710-mile to capital of Tibet was opened last year. According to Hu Yadong, the deputy railways minister, the capacity of passenger and freight would be increased by more than 18 percent and 12 percent respectively by the speed upgrade.

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