Monday, May 14, 2007

Week Nine Oral Blog entry six - picture Draft 2

These two pictures show two different classes.

A picture shows that pupils are studying by using computer. Nowadays children can find everything they are interested in. if they are looking for animals that that would be very vivid shown on the screen and if they want to know some one there are also lots of information not limited by what the teacher says. Children can be trained to work with others.

B picture shows that children are studying with books. I think that books also have their advantage in learning about words or math. Every one thinks by themselves. I thinks that different tools according to different lessons can be chosen by teachers.

Comparing these two pictures, we can find out that it shows two different educations. One is modern by using technical equipments, another one is traditional ways. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. We can not say which one is batter. The best way is to join the two ways together in practising.

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