Monday, April 23, 2007

My break

Two weeks break for others is so leisure time. But for me it is so busy and hard. On the Ester Day, we went to Westfield to buy the baby's cob and mattress, some nappes, Formula milk, bottles and etc. For the new baby's coming, I repainted a room and decorated it with some carton pictures as baby's room and then installed the cob, putting all the furniture in perfect position. I thought I have done it all in first week so I could go fishing with my friend in next week. But in the weekend, my baby was born suddenly prior a week. You can not image how busy I was. I need to take care of three people, my first son, a near four years old, a cessors operation’s wife and a new baby. From morning to evening I had a lots things to do, cooking the soup for my wife, hashing to hospital, looking after my old son, going back home for dinner and returning to hospital…. Oh. It is terrible break.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

About Me

text blog entry 1 .....draft 2

I am Zhen Yu. In china they call me Yu Zhen. In mandarin the pronunciation of Yu Zhen is same as earthquake. Some one maybe wonder why you were give so special name. There are two reasons. One is that the day when I was born, an earthquake happened near Beijing. Another reason is that the culture revolution started, my family suffered the many unfair treatments. We had miserable life in that time. Fortunately now everything has been changed in recent 30 years.

Last holiday I went to Beijing to celebrate my grandmother 90 years birthday. We had a great dinner in Summer Palace. Here is royal place for queen having a birthday party. Although it is old style and looks like strange to us. The meaning is different. Eating the delicious food that the royal chief cooked, every one felt every happy.

I also have good news that I would have a baby in April. At that time my family’s member would be 43. Well, so big family. I love it so much.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

oral bolg entry 6 About Unions

Oral blog entry

Week 6 Lecture about Unions in New Zealand
Speaker : Sarah Hardman

Two question : 1, Have you belonged to a union overseas?
2, Have you belonged to a union New Zealand ?

Our life is hard
8 hours work, 8 hours rest, 8 hours entertainment.

Worker organized into a voluntary association, a union , to further their mutual interests with respect to wages, hours, working conditions and other matters of interest to workers

330.000 union workers, 51.5% are women.
Self-employee can’t join .

You can go on strike if collective agreement has expired.
When negotiationg a New CA,
Must give a reasonable notice

Why would I need a union
Fair pay
A voice for working
Fair working conditions
Equality of opportunity
Safe and healthy workplace